Detective Trotter...
weekend, we were privileged to watch our nephew, Nate, in an Agatha Christie
play – The Mousetrap – at Judson Hall.
We were
just SO proud of him!
He had a
lot of dialogue, and delivered it in the clipped English manner of his
character. He inserted subtleties to his gestures and his words that we later
recalled were of great import to the story.
He had
told his family that, at the end of the play, his character would reveal the
identity of the murderer but he wouldn’t tell them ahead of time who it was…
our surprise when Detective Trotter turned out to be, not an investigative
genius, but the cunning murderer himself!!
He’s quite
the actor!
All the
kids in the play did well, and made us confused about who to suspect was the
criminal. None of us saw it coming when Detective Trotter turned out to be
crazy, revengeful George the murderer. I thought it was Miss Casewell…or the
Mrs. Ralston, the innkeepers wife…
admittedly, we are biased but Nate did the best job on the stage! There may even
be some non-family members out there who would agree with that.
I hope we
will get to see him in drama again. He did so well portraying the character,
making us believe the deception. He had a ton of lines and missed nothing. He
stayed in character when the unexpected happened, and even ad-libbed a little.
always been a memorizing genius, and can be hilarious with his mimicry…When he
was a little sprite, he would answer our questions with lines memorized from
It was
great fun to see his childhood propensities put to use in an adult way.
Great job,
Nate…We’ll be happy to watch you “break a leg” again!
Proud big brother & sister with the star!