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It's hard being sentimental...

 I don’t want to be sentimental anymore. The decisions about the stuff we collect are wearying. I’ve got boxes of stuff that are relics of time gone by. Boxes and boxes. Do I really need them? I agonize over whether to keep so many items. They are a testament to a moment that was important to me. But I fear something will be lost if I get rid of the relics. From my youth, I have wanted to preserve my life experiences, those moments and days where you see the glory of God, are suffused with the love of family and friends, and fulfilled with the goodness of living. I didn’t want to forget any of it. And I have been passionate about keeping history. My history, American history, local history, extended family history. A firm believer that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it, I believed that a reference library of people’s experiences would be security against unwise decisions and falling into practices or misapprehensions that have been proven, by others’ sad experi

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