The Farming Game...Spring has Sprung!

Now, these are sight for sore eyes! Can you see them there? Wee little green raspberry plants poking their heads above the ground! Glad to know something is happening beneath the dark earth, and those poor little babies are not drowning, or freezing since we planted them in March.

I promised to tell you how that cold snap affected our fields and I'm happy to say, that other than slowing things down, there was no damage of note. We still have proof on the high/low thermometer that the temp hasn't gone below 29 degrees.
You might also note that the high since then has been in the 70's...the kind of weather that makes me want to do this:
(I'm weird that way)  while watching this:

Our neighbor has a cute little calf out there right now...I've named him Bucky -- I know, Whitey would be more apropos, but you haven't seen him run around. He's all tuckered out here from living up to his name.

But I think I was trying to tell you about the farm...

On our daily walk Daisie and I always check things out. A stop to check the thermometer is a MUST, although soon we won't be looking to see how cool it got, rather, how warm. Daisie patrols the perimeter to check who invaded the farm overnight.
"Take that, stranger! This is MY territory!!"
 Daisie is fierce that way...

We check out the new planting, and the babies...We're having terminology problems here on Randy Honcoop Farm. Which are the babies? The new planting? Or the First Time at Harvest One Year Old Field? We'll have to get in sync on this, or someone will go out and do the wrong thing in the wrong field.

Anyway, The Novices (the one-year olds) are looking like this:
pretty filled out, and -- gulp -- I also saw THESE!!
...Itty bitty buds! The potential fruits of our labors.
Oh, there's a long way to go from here to this stage:
...but we're hoping! And The Farmer is working hard already at babying them along. He's very involved with his babies, and very meticulous about their needs. It makes him happy.
And then there are The Big Girls:
They're looking mighty fine, and they have the itty bitties on them too...Oh my! Time is flying!

Compare this bush...
...with an earlier picture...
We've come a long way baby!

And in other signs of spring, the blueberries are already in full bloom!
Those will be yum.

And The Farmer's got my lawn looking like a big green carpet...
Though it's a carpet you have to mow...and mow...I'm just sayin'

Oh -- and I shouldn't forget a sure sign of spring...

You betcha! Tons of organic fertilizer on the yard...It might as well rain, the yard parties will have to wait until this stuff is all gone...phew!


God is so always amazes to see the progress and stages of growth and perfectly timed everything this. Hoping for a bountiful crop for you and the farmer!
Holly said…
Wow Les, everything looks so beautiful!!!! I can relate to babying things along. I go out every day to see how much progress was made in the night!!!!

Can you tell me where you get the organic fertilizer??? Can I just get 1 or 1/2??!!!! Don't like that chemical stuff on my loved ones!!

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