My Favorite Organizing Tool...

I’m behind on everything…the yard, the lawn, the house. The goat pen, the harvest preparations, the writing and implementation of Good Agricultural Practices. The Farm Bureau and Museum writing duties. Even the fun things…bridal shower plans, visits from friends plans…


It doesn’t help that a cold I caught turned into a 3 week ordeal, that ended with antibiotics, and a small relapse at the end of their course. Pretty much every day I was ready for a nap right after I got up.

Thankfully, I am seeing improvement now and am able to begin efforts to remedy the situation.

Note that “able to begin” is not the same as beginning…

I can see that I’m going to have to employ my best organizing strategy on a much greater scale.

Let me introduce you to my favorite organizing tool…

…the Door.


When we had the opportunity to create our house plan, I was determined to solve the back door problem that most farms have. All the members of a farm family have boots, and work shoes, and work coats, gloves, hats and other clothing items that don’t get stored with all the nice clothes, that is, Town Clothes, and they end up in a big jumble by the back door. We designed our utility room to be a large room with a big locker for each person. The usual back door jumble could be kept behind a door.

And it would look ALL organized in the utility room…Even though, in fact, it was pseudo organization. Kind of like that biggest file in your cabinet that says Miscellaneous. It looks like you’re organized until you open it and find a jumble within.

This is the same principle on a larger scale. I recommend the use of this strategy in all spaces in your home! 






And as for the outside of your home? If it looks good from the road, it's beautiful.

If I meet you on the porch and close the door, you’ll know how far gone things are…

And if you see I have put a gate on the driveway, all hope is lost.


Ridgely said…
The outside of your house looks amazing, I know, I was just there! I do love your organizing ideas though, I have a multitude of doors to close!

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