Summer Camp for the dogs...

Last week, Dillon and Tiffany's dog, Macy, spent a short week with us while they were camping elsewhere. 

Her digs at our house were like Summer Camp for her, and she and Daisie made the most of it!
Here is Macy's Camping Cabin...
She was free to go in and out as the Camping Cabin has access to the indoors.
However, the access is through a Pet Door...

The Pet Door proved to be problematic for Macy, despite various Pet Door 101 classes conducted through the week. She just couldn't believe that is was a two-way door. For her, it only seemed to go OUT, not IN, and it was very mysterious how Daisie managed to work it both ways. Macy got wise to Daisie's SuperDog abilities, and would sneak in right behind her when the door was up...But on her own -- nope, just couldn't go in. Like most Campers, she did suffer a little homesickness too. We would hear a mournful howl or two early in the morning, as Macy thougth about home, where there were no mysterious one-way doors, and her people were in the same building as she...

She was alway fine by morning roll call, and ready to participate in the Campers' favorite activity, which was: Let's Play Fight Until One of Us Gets Hurt or Until We're Both Exhausted

After exhaustion would set in, then you do what most Camper's do -- harass the Counselors...

Then the Head Counselor would usually enforce a rest time...

...mostly because the Head Counselor was tired, or in danger of being knocked over.
But then it was time for more:
Play Fighting!

This wasn't ALL they did for the week, but it was MOSTLY what they did for the week.

We did have hikes through the berry field, and Daisie taught Macy to eat berries, though Macy didn't get the hang of picking them herself  like Daisie does.

 She did learn to roll in the mushy berries on the ground and then carry around streaks of red, and embellishments of seeds on her formerly glossy black coat.
She met and made friends with Roxy, who made daily berry season visits with her Master.

Of course, the Head Counselor made sure she got some treats, and souvenirs...and I think that overall, Macy had a really good time. She was a Happy Camper, and though she was born a city dog, she would happily become a farm dog.
She looks pretty happy here, doesn't she?

And Daisie is recovering from Summer Camp...

...dreaming about more of this:


jkluginbill said…
Lucky Daisy getting a visitor for awhile.

Looks like your place is the place to send pets for camp. I don't have a dog but I have a cat that thinks she's a dog...

Fun times. Great pics!

Looking forward to seeing you again soon our long lost raspberry friend!
Ridgely said…
Fun! I think you need to have summer camp for the counselors....and their friends! :)
Tami said…
I wish I had known you did doggy daycare and camps. My nephew is coming to babysit Hawley this week. he would love your farm.

Miss you at the museum! Hope you can come back soon.
Janice said…
Oh dear Leslie - you need a grandchild!!! :-) Amazed at Daisie's berry picking abilities!! Why don't you have her working on a picker! Your kids would've never gotten away with playing the days away during berry season!! :-)

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