Has The Farmer lost control?
If you had occasion to drive by our farm yesterday afternoon, you might have seen this:
The Farmer, with a generator, vacuuming the grass...
Truly, there's a good reason for it, and so I am explaining here. I know there are people who know Randy who might assume that he had "gone off the deep end" finally...The same ones who drive by, and call him up to say, "You missed a weed on row 27..."
I know they mean well.
But if they saw this, I fear an intervention might be planned.
The reason for our grass vacuuming was this:
See where there's supposed to be a back window on this tractor?
Well, there isn't one...anymore...
It's actually all over the place now...
...a little bit on the shop floor...
...a lot of it on the grass.
We would have been picking it up for hours...and hours...
Besides, what do you have a generator for, if not to vacuum glass out of the grass.
We love our little generator...now more than ever!
And I hope my hubby loves me now that I've told you about his...uh...boo boo with the tractor window.