Just don't...

So it was another beautiful day today. Sunshine, cool, bright sparkling sky that makes the mountains look crisp and close.


After a weekend of rest, I was ready to start rolling with momentum, and not stop! I have recently learned that I can handle life better if I allow myself to truly rest and refresh on the weekends. Saturday, for most of my life, was the day you tried to catch up the things you didn’t do during the week, and Sunday was its own special kind of madness what with getting everyone to church and also having a meal ready to eat when you got home. The weekends weren’t restful, but they were a change of pace, and that used to suffice.

Not anymore. I’m older, and right now, there are a lot of demands on my time.

Though it seems that I should, more than ever, be catching up, instead I indulge in reading and TV and maybe a little creativity, and napping. And Monday morning I am ready again.

But today, an urgent issue for my pseudo-job, Farm Bureau, hijacked my momentum for chores and I spent the bulk of the day emailing and texting and discussing and thinking and making plans. And stressing…I often feel that I am over my head with my Farm Bureau presidential responsibilities, and rather than taking a deep breath and taking them on, my initial reaction is to freak out. And then resenting that I have to do something scary to me.

This morning, I read one of my favorite bloggers Modern Mrs. Darcy who talked about her tendency to freak out over things, and how her friend told her “just don’t”.  Just don’t go there. Don’t freak; don’t assume it’s a disaster; figure it out. Like Modern Mrs. D, I really didn’t see this as an option. Isn’t stressing just being responsible?

But I tried it, not freaking out, that is…

Who knew? Not freaking out didn’t make things worse! It’s not like I felt an overwhelming surge of positivity, or a euphoria of confidence. I just didn’t freak…problems were still solved, good plans were made, and, bonus!, I still had the energy to do my chores.

I’m starting to think that scary things are only scary to me because I’m afraid they will be…

In other words, I’m freaking myself out over nothing. And I should stop.

Remind of this, okay?


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