Impromptu Field Trip...

Sooooo...When I took Rosie out for her morning duties today, I decided to trust her. Bad choice. She's been doing so well with coming when called and sticking around me while I walk. I felt safe to take her on a quick walkabout to get the duties done.

I don't know if it was the wind, or that she figured out I didn't have nibbles of cheese in my pocket, or if she saw the empty parking lot and thought it was a great time to visit the casino -- but she took off. You can tell right away when she is not going to hear a thing you say just by her gait...and her increasing speed.

I do not run unless I am being chased but I did quicken my pace and began to holler and then wheedle, trying to get a response. As I crossed the road into the parking lot, a Border Patrolman passing by decided to pull into the lot. He parked.

He must have been wondering why I was there. He couldn't see the little red streak that was fiendishly flying around the building to the back. He just saw a lone woman walking up to building that has been closed for weeks. Hmmm.

Rosie continued around the west side and I hurried – but not when she was looking because that would turn into a highly desired chase which she always wins. Already, I was losing sight of her. Perhaps, the Patrolman would see my distress and as part of community service help me catch the dog. Or not. I didn't want to ask and I didn't have time!

I caught a glimpse of Rosie headed north and then east so I decided to take a chance of intercepting her on the opposite side of the casino – where the garbage cans are . I actually JOGGED (huff, huff) back the way I had come and made it to the east side before she did. This had everything to do with Rosie’s investigation of said garbage cans, not my speed.

When she rounded the corner, I squatted down and said in my happiest voice, “Rosie! There you are! Here you go! Good girl!” (Oh the hypocrisy!!) She came flying to me and passed right around, out of reach. Of course. She is not dumb.

I knew it was time to employ The Move and not much time to do it – despite the humiliation of having a Border Patrolman witness it. It was the only way I might get the dog  before we traveled into residential areas.(More humilitation!) I fell to the ground, arms in front of me, and started to make slightly convulsive movements, while saying “Rosie, Rosie!”

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have no shame…or rather, I knew more shame was possible if I didn’t do The Move.

And, she fell for it! She rushed to me, full of concern and ready to lick my face. I nabbed her by the collar. IN CUSTODY!

Then I hoisted her up, huffed my way through the parking lot, smiling and waving to the Patrolman. Might as well be friendly as well as entertaining. Because of my foolish trust, I had no leash with me and had to carry the 28lb Rosie all the way back home. There was no way I was going to risk putting her down and having to do it all over again especially in front of that Patrolman. Ohforgoodness.

I should be thankful that the casino was closed. Otherwise there would have been many witnesses. And I should be thankful for garbage cans. And that I learned The Move and it worked. And that I don’t have to work out again this week. And for ibuprofen.

And for leashes, which furthermore are mandatory.


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