Christmas Passed...2...

Our nuclear family celebrated on Christmas Eve Day, just like we did when the kids were young. We would always have breakfast, and then Randy would yawn big, and say, "Well, time for a nap..." "Noooo, Dad!", was the cry...but he would always make it all the way to the couch and lay down just long enough for them to think he really meant it...

This year, after our laughing Likkel party lingered long and late, the KIDS wanted to take a nap between breakfast and the gifts...

I guess we ARE all grown-ups now...

We all had a little rest, so we could go forth with energy!

Daisie was into it...
Dillon got a gun...oh boy...

Daisie was VERY into it...

Tiff got the biggest present...

Macy got to come along...

She loved her new toy...Daisie was less impressed.
Daisie is more into meat these days....

...still looking for meat...


I found teeny tiny Lincoln Log sets...This was as far as Caitlin ever got...

Most of the time, they slipped apart before you could finish them...
But they were pretty cute!

 And Daisie?
Can you tell she never got any meat... 

"My life is crap. Santa never read MY list..."


Holly said…
Where ever did you get those Lincoln Logs???? I must know...I must find...glad you had a nice Christmas!!!

I made PW's mashed potatoes and thought of you all!!!!! Yes, I've finally made a recipe out of her book!!!!!
Les Hon said…
I found the little Lincoln Logs at Bed Bath and Beyond, of all places. Pretty cute, aren't they?

So glad you finally made a PW recipe, Holly. I predict that it won't be your last one...

Happy New Year to ya!

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