"The problem with discipline is that it's so daily..."

I left the house at 8:30 this morning, and didn't return until 1:15pm, and rushed into the house to find some lunch, for which I was overly-hungry.

Whenever this scenario occurs, it is the death knell of productivity for the rest of the day.

Does that happen to you?

I don't know why, but if I have to leave the house at some point during the day, I just can't get any motivation going for doing anything the rest of the day. I'm not even interested in my usual time-wasters, but in an effort to APPEAR as if I am doing something, I check Facebook...then email...then the parade of daily blogs I like to check...and then I go get something to drink while I think of something else to check on the internet...

And then, some time on Pinterest...until I realize it is after 3pm, and the guilt hits hard...

But I still can't think of anything I WANT TO DO, though there are dustbunnies floating around behind me, and laundry to be folded, and bathrooms to be cleaned...

I finally write: "Finish reading book" on my to-do list, and go sit down to accomplish something...the kind of something I can tolerate on this no-motivation day.

And then I fall asleep twice while trying to reach my goal.

I should have written the truth on that to-do list: Take nap. Wake up and feel like crap. Wander around the house and eat stuff trying to make myself feel better. Feel guilty. Consider taking a walk, but rationalize that sciatica symptoms make that a poor choice. Eat more food, but it is fruit, so don't feel AS guilty.Wait for dinnertime to come, thankful that it is a left-overs in the microwave night.

Finally, I realize that whether I feel motivated or not, we have only stale chocolate chip cookies for our supply of baked goods. So I force myself to bake some mini loaves of raspberry quick bread...and remember that while I spent the whole day looking for motivation, I should have been doing discipline.

Oh, discipline...you don't feel good, but you are the way to get things done. I'm much too prone to wait for fickle motivation to come around...

I need to do something about that...

Tomorrow...and just to be on the safe side, I'm not going anywhere.


jkluginbill said…
Wow! It's as if you wrote that post just for me. :) Thanks Leslie!

Sometimes I feel that if I have already left the house and accomplished things that my "stuff" is completed for the day. Come home and DO more? Whatever.

I hate discipline. (haha)

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