Visiting the Likkels...

Walking in Uncle Roger's woods...

Had to see where our cereal comes from...

Four Likkel's!

Sojourner Truth -- a former slave who helped many on the Underground Railroad, an unwavering worker for freedom...

The Battle Creek River...

Our first day at Uncle Roger's was spent resting. Oh, the ability to move about freely and at will was a treat. Even more, a chance to visit with the Michigan Likkel's! Over the next 2 days, we toured Battle Creek by car, and then on a beautifully sunny Friday visited the Gilmore Car Museum, home to over 200 antique and classic vehicles, all gleaming and perfect!

Gilmore's Gas Station

Where we ate lunch at the Museum...The menu and waitress attire all fit the diner theme!

Just one example of the many shiny vehicles there!


Megan said…
Thanks for all the catching up. Can't wait to see more pics and hear more stories when you get home! Thinking of you all.

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