The Way West...

Too soon, it was time to leave Michigan, and we were all a bit emotional as this long-dreamed-of-visit came to an end. We are so thrilled that we got to see Uncle Rog and Aunt Bernita and their home, their world. We got to meet Cody, who they care for so well, and love so dearly. It was wonderful to be in their world even for a short time. We waved our goodbyes and promised to call with a progress update as we turned toward the west.

By the end of our travels that day, we had been in 4 states...Michigan, of course!

Then came:...Jess' Senator's state!
Then Illinois, where ALL roads lead to Chicago...
And finally....
...Cornfields forever...and ever...and ever...
At the Iowa border, we crossed the Mighty Mississipp!
Our stopping point for the day was Waterloo IA...Another day of good weather, and good travel with some fun stops along the way...We especially enjoyed the Welcome Center that overlooked the Mississippi. We drank our coffee and watched barge make its way upriver...and we gals had some fun shopping at the gift shop! : )


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