Missing Ree...

As soon as we heard that The Pioneer Woman’s book signing schedule included a stop in Seattle, my cohorts and I marked up our calendars, and reserved that day for a repeat experience of some very good memories.

Today was supposed to be that day…

In the days between the plan and the execution of it a few things happened…Most notably that our fearless leader, Tami, fell victim to a hit & run by a snowboarder on her first adventure to the mountain in many years. (Make sure you read all the chapters...it's tragic...)

Today, instead of gallivanting off to Lake Forest Park and Third Place Books, Ms. Tami had surgery on her knee. Holly, who was hoping to have completely recovered from her Achilles tendon surgery, is now suffering from a stress fracture in her heel.

Kelly and I are healthy, and were willing to push the wheelchairs, but we were uncertain that the anesthesia would have worn off enough for Tami to drive… (Hey! It’s her LEFT leg that has the problem…)

Just kidding! Actually, the heart went out of it when we knew that we could not all go together. Our previous experience is now indelibly etched in our hearts as something we must do together…It was so much fun! Four acquaintances, who by the end of that day became friends…We were hoping for more of the same…

But it was not meant to be – and that’s just fine. Mostly, we want Tami’s knee to be fixed, and Holly’s long trial of Achilles healing to be over. In lieu of a visit with Ree, we have plans to create a PW feast for our husbands, and hopes of one day winning a trip to The Ranch and The Lodge together. That would be the ultimate…

So – we’ll miss you Ree…as I’m sure, you will miss us…You know, the 4 noisy ones who wanted to know about Spanx….

We’re pretty unforgettable.


Tami said…
I missed Ree AND I missed our fun filled day. Whaaaa...
Seattle wasn't the same for Ree. i'm sure she felt the void last night.

Next book signing, movie, any excuse, we'll be there!
Kelly said…
Awww...such fun memories. I can't wait for our dinner. I can't decide which recipes sound the best. I think the brisket is a must for our friend the vegetarian from last year. :) Missed you sweet ladies this week. Get better quick!

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