It bodes not well...

Today is Whatever Wednesday, and I am planning to spend the WHOLE DAY at home, doing productive activities, and a few fun ones as well...Whatever I want to do.

But I woke this morning with a headache that makes me want to carry my head in my hands, and it's hard to get much done when you are doing that.

I have already taken the remedy recommended by the Mrs. of The Doc: a Diet Coke, and two Excedrin, or in this case Vanquish, as Excedrin suffered a total recall (not like Arnold) and there is none to be found, like ANYWHERE. In my desperation for a reliable remedy, I researched this on the internet and because they were finding other medicines than Excedrin in Excedrin bottles (yikes!), they had to take all the stuff back, and they quit making it, and still haven't started again, but Vanquish has just the same ingredients, so -- whew! -- I bought it instead...

I am nothing if not well-informed...and now you are too, whether it matters to you or not.

Anyway, I have a headache, and I want to put my head under a blanket...

But the wind is blowing, and Daisie is anxious to go out and smell the smells that are blowing down from Abbotsford, since the wind is from the NE today...

So we will -- because hey, when your head hurts whatever you do, you can just do whatever...

So it's Whatever Wednesday after all...just not quite like I had pictured it.

Good thing I got that case of Diet Coke from Costco yesterday...


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