I continue to be impressed...

...at the abilitiy of the human body to produce mucus. Very impressed...

...and annoyed, very annoyed.

But all in all, I am feeling better, and on Saturday was energetic enough to do a lot of work in the yard.

Well, a lot for me...

I trimmed the beech trees -- 4 wheel barrow loads worth of branches. I love my beech trees...They are perfect, natural art to me with their draping, reaching branches and graceful sway in the breezes. They always leaf out in early May. One day you can see the points of the rolled up leaves on each branch, and suddenly, a day later it seems, they are unfurled and complete! I love them!

However, their graceful draping branches were combing my hair, scratching my face, and impeding my view as I tried to mow the lawn at their base. I am proud to say that, though I love pruning, I practiced restraint and they look none the worse for my zealousy...And I mowed the lawn without injury and actually followed the line of the flower bed with accuracy.

I also planted my garden -- which took all of 15 minutes as my garden is small, very small...just the way I like it. I am lobbying The Farmer for more acreage though...and I've added urgency to the issue by purchasing pumpkin plants. Yep -- I want to grow my own pumpkins this year. (Sorry Stoney Ridge -- I will still come for pie, you know...) We have this large area that is uncommitted to any useful purpose right beside the garden, so why not fill it with some pumpkin vines? Perfectly reasonable...but it requires rototilling with the tractor, which means hooking up the tractor to the rototiller, which means the tractor must be unhooked from the sprayer, or mower, or whatever else The Farmer is using right now. It's an interruption to the money-making activities for hobby-ish activity, which The Farmer rightly recognizes as something I may lose interest in...The cost/benefit analysis is not good.

But I know he hates to see little plants die (unless they are weeds), so I went ahead and bought the pumpkin plants...heh, heh, heh...

I should go to Washington DC...I know how to work the lobby stuff...

Unless...The Farmer thinks of pumpkin plants as weeds...

Uh-oh...this could be a problem...

Stayed tuned for undoubtedly riveting drama from The Farm.


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